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Thread: Goblins

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    JonestheSpy's Avatar

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    Default Re: Goblins

    Quote Originally Posted by John Campbell View Post
    The problem is that the way his... unique equipment is presented, it's clearly supposed to have been a major contributing factor to his victory. And it's just laughable.
    Except for the fact that that's just not true. Kore's equipment made some interesting visuals, but there's no reason to assume that his prowess is just about his equipment.

    He's got a tower shield, check. You can give it a slight adjustment that it can stand in place while he's using two weapons - far less 'out there' than many other special and/or magic items, such as the Axe of Prissan or the Shield of Wonder. His helmet probably has one eyehole cause he's probably got one eye.

    He uses two weapons - okay, he's got the TWF feat, and is high enough level to hit what he aims at despite the penalty. Nothing absurd about that.

    Really, to use what I regard as rather distasteful language, people are mistaking visual "fluff" for crunch.
    Last edited by JonestheSpy; 2009-07-10 at 02:09 AM.