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Thread: Rise from the Ashes IC

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Re: Rise from the Ashes IC

    Children of Uso

    The merman looked around, like he wasn't sure what the scout referred to. Once again, he spoke to them telepathically.

    "Oh that! I think that's because there is a portal to the elemental plane of water nearby. Or at least there was one once upon a time... It may have moved, you know. It happens. Portals are not reliable. I remember a time when I lost one. It took me forever to...

    Oh, sorry. Must focus on the matter at hand. You asked me who I was, right? Well, name's Latimer. Yeah that's it. What's yours friend?"
    Last edited by Kaiser Omnik; 2009-07-10 at 04:01 PM.