After the breakfast and a bit of relaxing, you decide it's time to leave for Gideon square. It's still a full hour to the ceremony, but it might get crowded there, so being early doesn't hurt. The worst thing that can happen is finding the time to see Port Elektra again by full daylight, something neither of you have experienced for a long time. And the weather is good. Somehow, the storm cloud of the temple is always conveniently well-behaved when major events or celebrations like this happens.

You gather what personal belongings you feel appropriate to wear at a military ceremony and thank your hosts for their hospitality. You all leave the premises of the Lureba’an Estate to find yourself in the streets of the Aristocrat’s Quarter. Waiting for you there is a familiar feminine figure. It is Andra.

As you get into the streets, you have an eerie feeling of being watched from the corner of your eye. However, when you look to see, nothing is there.

You've only been waiting for a few minutes, but during the whole time you've gotten the feeling of being observed. With your battle-trained eyes, you've managed to get the glimpse of a human figure hiding nearby. As the others get there, you finally get a full, good look at the man, a somewhat shabby human male. He is underdressed for this part of town (so is Andra, though), peeking out from behind a corner some eighty feet away. He looks like he's searching the group with his eyes. Right before slipping into hiding again, you barely notice him narrowing his eyes as he looks directly at Veln!

As you leave the gate, your fine elven senses tell you that something is wrong. After scanning the surroundings, you notice a human male hiding around a distant corner, some eighty feet away or so. Clearly dirty looking and in with clothes uncummon in this district, you're sure he's not a native. He seems to examine all of you before he steps around the corner again.

Did you notice that he was looking directly at Veln most of the time?