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Thread: Emansía

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    Halfling in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Re: Emansía

    The bush isn't cover but difficult terrain that provides you with an AC bonus and allows for a hide check. Reason is that the bush won't be able to block attacks that come through it, but will only hinder them. Ok if I put you at E11, so you get the bonus and hide check?

    And now its the Green Ogre...He sees the dwarf and Cavor but not Astron. His face contorts with rage when he notices the dwarf and a cone of ice shoots from his hand towards the dwarf. The dwarf, however, ducks behind the tree, which is now decorated with ice.

    The Red Ogre attacks Cavor with his Greatclub...does 19 hit?(you have a +2 for being in the bush)


    OOC: I know the map must look a bit confusing. Cavor's standing behind/in the brush and the ogre is standing right in front of it, trying to hit Cavor through it.
    Last edited by Arnölé; 2009-07-15 at 05:18 PM.