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Thread: My Schoolmate is an Evil Overlord (IC)

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    Troll in the Playground
    smuchmuch's Avatar

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    Apr 2009

    Default Re: My Schoolmate is an Evil Overlord (IC)


    "I'll go to the library first, before it closes. I can check on the internet later."
    And as soon as said as done and without need for futher useless description (that's robotic efficiency for you, or maybe just player writting lazyness), Amy goes to the library and checks the old newspaper section to find anything she can on the target* while quietly humming the "cold case" theme song to herself.


    Show well as her new boss and teamates because she trusts them only as far as she can throw them. (although I expect only Susan might have already made the news)
    Last edited by smuchmuch; 2009-07-22 at 01:01 PM.
    I'm sig'ing in the rain, just sig'ing in the rain....

    Somme old avatars, by me
