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Thread: d20 zombie apocalypse

  1. - Top - End - #244
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: d20 zombie apocalypse

    Phil adds the three walkie talkies left on the floor to the pile of equipment.
    "You want them, than take them, I'd rather carry something that went boom."
    He takes two of the groups Molotovs with him and 36 of the 9mm rounds. He will also search for a lighter, preferably zippo style, a carton of cigarettes if he can find them and anything else of interest.

    search: taking 20 for a search of 19

    Taking: 36 9mm rounds and two of the Molotovs (if no one objects otherwise just one)

    Leaving: 3 walkie talkie for anyone to take

    EDIT: If some one could pm me how to spoiler that would be great. I cant find out how to.
    Last edited by Mangles; 2009-07-25 at 05:04 PM.