@Harin: The civilian survivors will readily point you toward the direction of Radley, and offer you some food while they are at it, you've been mediating for almost a few hours and look a bit pale. (according to one old matronly woman)

@Radley: The sound of hoofbeats gets closer and you see a skeletal group of cavalry, ragged banners flapping in the breeze of their rapid passage. they appear to be heading past you (a street down or so) and they seem to be ignoring your presence entirely... though they are temptingly within range of several of your spells for a moment...?

@Orrum and Mathias: Orrum waits patiently as Mathias heads around the temple. Orrum notes no difference in the flame "beings" behavior.

Mathias however notes a few key things on his first wide trek around the temple of foreign gods.

The "beings" appear to be very concentrated by the front entrance, only a few patrol the other sides of the temple.

The Temple has a small easy to miss "backdoor" though it appears to be made of stone and doesn't look like it's seen a lot of use. There is not so much as another window or opening that you can see however.

The entirety of the temple is quite tall, over 40 feet.

The grass and turf immeadiately around the temple are not destroyed, though only a few feet are so protected, with nothing left unburnt outside of the narrow radius of the temple.

The radius of the protection seems to be losing a few blades of grass to the heat of the creatures on each pass... getting slowly smaller.