Right, then...


Garrett spends some time watching the house, observing the guard routines. If this house is this heavily guarded, no way this guy is just a minor accountant clerk. Something's going on here, something bigger than we were told...

Quietly, he shuffles through plans in his mind. Obviously, the front is too well-guarded to just walk right up and pick the lock. Throwing a flash might work as a distraction....and if I was working on my own, I'd probably do just that. Unfortunately, I've got to drag others along with me, certainly at least Fitz. That means I need to make it possible for him to just walk in without any chance at being observed. Stealth is only needed when there's the possibility of observation.

Therefore, I need to eliminate that possibility. The observers in question are certainly these guards, as well as anyone else inside the house. Is there any way I can clear out the entire building? No. The only way that comes to mind would be evacuating from a fire, which would consume the very documents I'm here to copy.

He sighs and thinks some more. All right. First things first, we need to get inside. Clearly, the front route won't work. Second story, on the other hand...

He glances up at the houses around them. Perhaps we could go across the roof? Throw a grapple across the street and go over the guards' heads? Maybe....it's very risky, though, and if Fitz falls, everything's blown.

Hmm. What about the houses next door? One of them seems to house all the guards, but we don't know anything about the house on the other side. However, it's possible that that has guards, too.

Front, sides, roof...all too risky. Behind? What do we know about the layout of the city? What is this building behind? Not sure. Have to find that out.

Underneath? No, we can't dig much.

He continues pondering.