Temple of Elemental Evil: Plantin 9, Early Afternoon

Round 14

As Lor nears the steps to the Temple, Pyro holds up a hand and mouths something, but Lor has trouble telling what (( Spot to Read Lips (DC 10 because Pyro wants to be understood): 1d20=1 ))

There is still no sign of activity from the hobgoblins.

(( Map #7 ))

Moathouse Dungeon: Planting 8, Late Evening

Round 21 (cont.)
Grigor brings his light to bear on the wall as the militia begins to regroup behind the adventurers.

Round 22
With one more hefty swing, Tell smashes through the wall, sending stone chips everywhere.

(( Hey, guess what: The cave-in on the map I'm using isn't actually there. There's a cleared out maze of tunnels, as anyone who goes further inside will soon find. I just needed to get a supplementary map up. See the maze link for movement in this section of the dungeon. Note that any squares in the maze that are more than half-full with wall space (but less than full) will require squeezing to get through. ))

(( Maze Map #1

Dungeon Map #17 (for reference) ))