Quote Originally Posted by Mad Mask View Post
I'm not saying we should go for super-realism, but be a little less "Dragon Ball Z" with people with power levels over the edge, and more "action series". Crazy stunts should work, but when they get overdone the character doing it will face the consequences.

I'm not saying people shouldn't be allowed to use mêlée weapons either, but they shouldn't be the most common primary arm, given that in most circumstances guns will be better.

I repeat: Peacekeepers have a lot more than just guns (who usually don't kill instantly but simply knock someone out of the fight). They have grenades (which are cheaper than fireballs, by the way), rocket launchers, gatling guns (useful to defend a position), and many others.
See...maybe I'm overreacting, but it seems that you're just making the average Peacekeeper squad so powerful that the resistance is pretty much doomed from the start. I know, they're supposed to be outmatched, but not to the point where they don't stand any chance at all.

And I don't believe in "PCs and NPCs" for ABR. There is no DM to control almost all people in the world, each character is controlled by someone else. Even the suicidal and incredibly stupid drows that exist only to die at the hand of the main cast.
Oh, c'mon, you actually gave the peacekeepers gas masks. How can you expect them to not be mooks?