Quote Originally Posted by Zanaril View Post
I'd like to, but I'm off on holiday for a week or so, and will be without internet after tomorrow.
But I'll give it a go when I get back.
...Wouldn't it be better to have Lien carrying Durkon bridal style?
See, that's why you make the banners and I sit here gaping in awe.

Quote Originally Posted by Tira-chan View Post
Well, I finally took the plunge (I'm a long-time reader, first-time poster). I started out with the original tables, and got...
Not very crack-like, but meh, I'll give it a shot. It'll be a while before I get to it, I'm afraid. In other news, hopefully this rolled some of the low numbers out of my d20.
Yeah, it's often better just to either make them up or use my tables for that reason.
Besides, this is canon anyway. (Scene on the walls where Roy saves Elan from all those arrows).