Heeeello, everyone. I wanted this to be my first post, so... yeah. I only have two so far, but soon, I will be making more brain-annihilating pairings... muahaha...

Also, I don't know how to do the Spoiler-tag thing, because I'm a noob, so you'll just have to scroll <_< Don't worry, they're not TOO long.

Roy x Eye of Fear and Flame

Roy planted the tip of his sword in the ground, leaning on it for a few moments as he caught his breath. Nearby, dead hobgoblins were messily piled up. The sounds of battle echoed all around him. Suddenly, he felt compelled to go to one of the other piles... cautious, and yet curious, Roy walked towards the pile he was strangely drawn to, catching a glimpse of something red and shining amongst the corpses.

When he got there, Roy dug through the corpses and found a skull, one eye the source of the strange red glint.
"Hello there," the skull said suddenly, in a voice that oddly seemed to be a purr, despite the lack of vocal cords and such. Startled, Roy eyed the thing suspiciously, without replying. Then a wave of mixed emotions came over him.
"Come closer," the skull said quietly, and Roy felt himself leaning forward towards that skeletal grin...

This one is more cute than disturbing, but I couldn't help myself.
Mr. Scruffy x gender-changed Windstriker. (Don't blame me, blame the dice! o_o)

Outside of the castle of Azure City, Windstriker waited patiently for her rider to return. Miko had gone inside the castle on important business, but would be out soon. Suddenly, the celestial steed saw something small and white padding towards her - the housecat that Lord Shojo had named Mr. Scruffy. Windstriker felt the cat's green-gold eyes upon her. Normally she would not have felt this strange attraction to the tiny feline, but Windstriker had accidentally stumbled into some strange gender-changing belt mere days ago, and it was now looped around her flanks uncomfortably, and yet unremovable for the moment, since Miko was too busy to get a cleric to remove the curse.

Then, Mr. Scruffy was sitting before her. She could not resist. Windstriker bent her neck forward, affectionately touching noses with the white cat.

More to come soon! (Don't shoot me for not knowing how to spoiler-tag it.)