@Arguskos - I've never yet had to deal with the bills, but I can imagine that it's a fairly trying process, with school and all on top of that. I agree that that's unfair and not right, if you were told there were no other charges, and there were... Yeah. My advice, although I've never had to deal with such a thing personally, demand to speak to someone who can help you. I know it sounds like being a jerk, using the word demand, but that might jsut be what you have to do. Explain the problem, and if they can't help, you say "Please connect me to someone who can." Do it as many times as you need to. If they hang up, there's always both of the mail options. Usually companies listen to someone, especially if they come in in person OR write a letter. It means to them, that this person is a serious customer, they pay my salary. One of the best lines I've ever heard from a fellow customer service employee was "It takes ten good customers' experiences to bring in a new one, but one bad customer's to lose ten frequenters." It's true in a lot of cases you find. If I have a really bad experience, I'll tell my friends about it, and they probably won't want to go there based on what they've heard. It's worth a shot, anyhow.

Also, because you're all prolly sick of this by now; I'll just say the one update on the continuing issue, and that is... Today is the first time I've cried so hard I bled.