Quote Originally Posted by Wolfbane View Post
He notices the scars, but isn't put off by them and looks at her face instead. "No, its okay. Its sort of a family marking. Its traditional." He looks slightly nervous, but rolls up his sleeve even more. "It covers more than my just my arm." He stretches his neck and shows that it also reaches there. He chuckles. "It goes further, but I'm not too sure how you'd take it if I showed you."
Naila raises an eyebrow in teasing challenge. "Jericus, I just told you that I served in several mercenary camps for most of my life. I'm pretty sure you don't have anything I haven't seen before." Her eyes, one greeen, one blue, twinkle merrily. "And if that's too forward of me to say, let me ask you this - were you really expecting lady-like behavior from me?" She chuckles; it's a low, rich sound not often heard. "Really, though, if it bothers you or makes you self-conscious, I won't press the matter. Or..." She gets an idea. "Show me yours, I'll show you mine. And tell you the story that goes with them." She nods at her arms, a bit more at ease with him around.