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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Manoftyr's Avatar

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    Default Re: Depression Thread IV: Read the first post or...

    Hey all, for those who may have been following my posts on this thread I've been going through a period of sharp ups and downs, experiencing mood swings, random panic attacks and many other issues. I'd also been experiencing odd sensations throughout my body, tinglings, chest pains, dizzy spells and many other troublesome things that I thought were stress or anxiety related.

    Well yesterday, I found out the culprit behind it all.

    Quite simply...I am in the early stages of type 2 diabetes, my swift changes in mood and dizzy sensations have been the result of spikes and drops in my blood sugar.

    I made the discovery yesterday when I almost feinted after I ate lunch, then I received the results of a blood test I had some weeks ago; my insulin and uric acid levels were elevated above normal. My doctor has already started me on the finger-stick machine and the testing strips; I'm going to be needing to monitor my blood sugar and paying very close attention to what I eat.

    I'm...pretty bummed out about this to be honest; I'm going to have to seriously overhaul my life in the preservation of my health and I'm worried that things will never be the same for me again, that I won't be able to take the simple pleasures I used to find in life, that now I'm going to be a slave to monitoring the rise and fall of my blood sugar.

    Not much else to say about it really...just; heh, wow...kind of been a real slap in the face...

    *sigh* I need a hug

    Edit-SMEE, wow; that's really rough...heh, now I feel like a jerk for complaining about this; as this pales in comparison to what you must be going through right now and I'm terribly sorry to hear it; I wish you well and hope for the best in your trying circumstances.

    I really don't know what to say except that my mother's a cancer survivor so even if things do take a turn for the worst I believe that it still isn't the end, you can still fight it and you can live on, even in the most trying and desperate of circumstances there is always a fighting chance...never give up hope.

    I wish you well-being, health and happiness in these trying times.
    Last edited by Manoftyr; 2009-09-01 at 12:51 PM.
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