Quote Originally Posted by Bor the Barbarian Monk View Post
Manoftyr: My life as a diabetic is a cautionary tale. I'm a Type 1 diabetic for almost 35 years. (This month marks my anniversary.) I abused my illness fiercely when I was younger, and was hospitalized for diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) more times than I can remember. (I lost count after 50.) By the time I decided to start carrying for myself, it was too late. The complications were setting in, and the best I could hope for was to remain status quo.

So...I am the living, breathing warning to TAKE CARE OF YOUR DIABETES! That is, unless you think the complications might be fun. Like going blind. Sure, it's 18 years since I was diagnosed with retinopathy, and I can still see as well as my nearsightedness will allow, but it gets scary when blood vessels burst and there are HUGE black spots in my vision. I have yet to have any "stable symptoms" of nephropathy, but kidney failure seems to loom like an evil shadow over them. Last, but far from least, is neuropathy. This is the "fun" one. Chronic pain as the nerves scream that something is wrong...losing surface sensation so that you can't feel cuts and burns on your extremities...muscles dying because they don;t know they should be working...and then, as if that wasn't enough "enjoyment," a complication of a complication of diabetes, Charcot's joint. The bones and joints, most in my feet, aren't lining up properly, and risk breaking or becoming dislocated without my knowledge until it's too late. I already broke my left "pinky" toe without ever knowing it happened.

LET THERE BE NO PITY FOR ME! (If you must, you can toss in a, "Wow, Bor...that sucks.") Distressing as all of this is, I'm still getting by, and have a view of my medical issues as being a kind of backward blessing. It helps me appreciate what I still have all the more, and allows me to tell others, "You think you have it bad? Sit a moment and hear my story." And once they come away from hearing my tales, many people are more aware that they could have it much worse.

Would I rather not have these problems? Well, to be prefectly honest, I don't know. I mean, I'd rather be working, healthy and whole...but would I be the same person I am today if not for coming to know the bad side of life so closely?

So...You're a diabetic? Welcome to the club! (Your jacket and club card are on their way! ) But take care of it properly, or there will be a terrible price to pay.

*reactivates lurker mode*
*actually read said post*

wow Bor... that sucks.

but you said spare the pity, so I'll step down now.