[Inside General Update!]

News! News! Glorious news! Headlines abound in newspapers, the Internet, and all as news of the death of Jack, mob boss, gets out, publicized by the ISF. Government approval ratings soar as a real blow is struck against organized crime. No doubt this will lead to repercussions in the gang sectors, but that's NK's domain, not mine.

The new government is becoming known as extremely strict, the ISF in particular, due to the instant firing squad execution of Jack without any trial. Most, however, say that it is far better than the previous anarchy, will real progress being made against crime. In addition, the spread of the Infestation Zone seems to have been halted by the ISF. All in all, despite being the obvious 'evil army', they've done a lot of good for the city.

In addition, many are unnerved by ISF activity in the area of the abandoned Imperial/Britannian base of operations. They refuse to explain this activity as well, which doesn't help. This doesn't do much to hurt their reputation in the wake of Jack's death, though...