Critique of Rutskarn's Vatsy and Bruno
First, let me tell you, wonderful! An intriguing, exciting story with an undercurrent of somewhat black humor, that still manages not to drift off into silliness too much. Actually, your work reminds me very much of that of Sir Terry Pratchett, you don't happen to be a fan of him?

The characterization is done very well, you manage to show both protagonists quirks and behaviour by relying on describing their actions, not telling us what they are like, and it works, in the limited scope of your story. Another thing I appreciated is that despite all the absurditiy and randomness that happens, nothing feels out of place. Two talking animals hunting down a mad scientist's apprentice and a hard-boiled P.I.-cliche through a city where you can hire thugs for a minute of being beaten seems absurd and unconnected, but you integrate it seamlessly into the flow of your story, and make it feel natural. Here is the point that reminds me most of Pratchett, and even if you should have copied him, you did so fantastically.

Another thing I like is how the story is funny, but the humor is never showed into your face. (laugh here!) Take, for example, the conversation between the thugs and Vatsy. Of course, the whole idea is totally absurd, but the conversation is still subtly funny, without giving way to the inherent silliness of the situation.

I fear I'm not really good at commenting at length, so let me just conclude that I really liked your story, and the way you manage to blend absurd humor, slapstick, clicheed characters and talking animal into one hell of a ride!

Ha! Now you are HONOR BOUND to give me a favorable review as well! ;-)