Eek. I take a day off, and 3 pages pop up.

@ Discord: Hm... Chaotic Good, you say? Oh well... Never said he was being honest.

@ Esmerelder: First story - Wow! Thats pretty good... And no, I don't get the LotR reference...

Second story - Another example of excellent writing!

@ Batrobin: VxTherkla - So. Many. Plotholes!

@ Cheesemuncher: Amazing drawings!

@ Zanaril: VxSnarl - Well, that was unexpected...

@ Belkster11: Drawing - Why don't I get this?

@ Dra-Goon: RoyBoneGolumxRoy'sSword - WHAT THE CRAP!? HAH HAH HAH!!

I know there are about 4-5 stories I haven't gotten around to yet... I can't handle too much at once, you know!