1. - Top - End - #81
    Orc in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Default Re: A Harry Potter Universe W/W Game (Game Started Page 2)

    Day 1 Ends

    The Headmaster sat tiredly at his desk reading a stack of mail from concerned parents. Really, he was so fed up with the constant complaints about this teacher and that - and such petty whines they almost all were. Well, the recent stack, perhaps, were not quite so petty....

    Suddenly a large brilliantly pink flamingo startled him when, in its attempt to swoop gracefully out of the fireplace, its long dangling legs got tangled in the grating and it fell to the hearth with a cascading crash of fireplace tools. The Headmaster hurried around his desk to help the poor bird and then noticed the letter tied to its leg. Righting the flamingo and removing the missive he returned to his desk, cracked the wax seal and began to read:

    Dear Sir:

    Having a wonderful time, glad you aren't here, shan't be returning.

    Your (former) Professor of Muggle Studies,
    Horatio "EagleWiz" Williamson III

    P.S. Please apologize on my behalf to Minerva for breaking our date this coming Halloween, but really, she can hardly compete with several naive, bikini-clad, island girls.

    "Well, that takes care of that little problem," Dumbledore smiled happily as he tossed the stack of parent complaints into the fire, "I wonder if that new Muggle Studies sub might like to take on the position full-time?"

    Dumbledore hummed to himself and flicked his wand to extinguish the lights on his way out of the office as the flamingo began to scramble its way up the chimney.

    EagleWiz (lynched) has extended a 2 week Caribbean get-away into life-time vacation in the Muggle world he so loves. EagleWiz was an Innocent

    Those at risk of auto-lynching at the end of Day 2 are:

    Moonbeam Moofin Bard - Thx Lexy

    The Bookworm is exempt due to away message.

    Night 1 Begins
    (Night 1 ends in 24 hours)
    Last edited by MOD; 2009-09-23 at 09:24 PM.