So far, Liselle had done little more than glance out of the caravan at the surroundings... She hadn't ever really lived anywhere so rustic, but still, the obvious poverty around her struck certain memories...

"I think I can answer all your questions, Dwyn. Whoever our predecessor was, they weren't very good at the job." This was pretty obviously the case. This place hadn't been sacked recently - or else there'd be signs of recent rebuilding, of the people's houses at least - so whoever had been in charge before hadn't been looking after the place. "Makes things harder for us, but think of it this way: It's about time they got someone decent to look after the place, no?"

Sighing to herself, Liselle finally stepped down from the carriage. I hate the countryside. "But Kabak's right. We're the ones who get the castle when it's fixed, so we're the ones who should see to fixing it. And I vote the best way to get started is to go have a look."