Poor thing looks as though he's about to have a heart attack... Liselle smiled quickly at Cael, but her first actual response was to Lethaniel. Leaning down a little to address him (short as she was, there wasn't far to go), Liselle said "Please, calm yourself. We're the ones who need to find the money for our ambitious plans, not you. Trust me, I'm good at finding money." A bright smile and a cheeky little grin - Liselle could be a charming thing when she felt like it. "All you need to do for us is listen to our people - we need to know what needs to be done. Then doing it is our problem, okay?"

So we've got physical problems all over the place, and it'd need lots of gold to remedy, even more if we count the castle and want it done quickly. Slightly larger scale than picking pockets to pay for re-thatching a roof, but a similar principle. I wonder who our richest neighbouring lordship is?

"I think, while I leave you big, strong men to move our things into the castle, Terrim and I may want to make a detour. Us two ladies should probably go visit mama Deegan. Try a little girl-talk. I trust you'll be alright without us, Mister Diplomacy?" Followed by a fluttering of her eyelashes that, by now, Dwyn would know was *entirely* faked on her part.

Then finally, to Cael: "I think that tour may have to wait a little longer, Captain. Don't worry, though. It's not as though I... we will be going anywhere..."