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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Re: Relationship Woes and Advice, Trip to Baator

    @Pyrian: Hey, if you're not sexually attracted to someone, it's never going to work. Take the compliment and be a gentleman about it. But know this: if the girl question shows up one day having lost the weight, looking good to you, that ship has sailed. (Hey I've seen this happen to guys and girls a few times).

    @Extingusher: The girl in question sounds like a complete mess leaning on you for support whenever things with this J fellow get sour. Still, some couples can hate each other, fight, scream and argue constantly but if you try to tell them they should break up, you're suddenly the ********. At the end of the day, I wouldn't get involved with her beyond friendship. She needs to make up her mind and sort out her own problems. Don't try to be a white knight.
    Last edited by TheBST; 2009-10-06 at 06:35 PM.