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    Titan in the Playground
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    Feb 2009
    A nice, sparkly place.

    Default Re: Shipping VIII: Yes, Eight. No, really. We are THAT insane.

    And time for part 4. The previous part 1, part 2, and part 3 for those of you who haven't been reading all the parts.

    And just for fun, here's a link to some backgound music to play while you're reading involving the fighting scenes.

    Well, time to get going then.


    Vulion watched as the new army was establishing positions. Can you get me radio contact with our troops in the areas?

    I'll... I'll try.

    Good. If you do manage to contact them, have them work along side whichever that faction is from. We don't know where they're from or why they're here. But right now, they're our best hope for success.

    Yes, sir!

    Well?! What are you standing around for?!

    Oh, right!

    EleventhHour hurries out the door. Vulion turns back to watch the battle progressing.


    Many landing vessels were almost upon the shores. Just then, all of them recieve orders to change troop directrion to the first strike positions and begin to advance. Each and every vessel pings an acknowledgement back and arrive on the coast. But upon reaching land, tank treads appear out from under each landing ship and carries them further in land. As the vessels reach the paved streets, hatches open up and position themselves as ramps for leaving the ship.

    The moment, the small thud of the ramp hits the ground, 8 motorcycles leave the transports immidiately. These were no ordinary motorcycles, for the had no seat or driver. They were completely automated similar to the Satocopters.

    The Nalocycles from landing unit 12 rushed out of the landing transports and cruised down the streets in a line. One of the 8 established itself as the leader of the group instantly and the rest followed. They were programed to choose leadership postions quickly.


    'Nalocycles have been deployed and are on route to first strike positions. Tarotanks are emerging now and beginning to move.'

    Good. Silverraptor looks at the holographic map. He sweeps his fingers in the blues sphere to the right twice and the map magnifies the front. That didn't take long for them to regroup, did it?

    'No sir. Enemy forces are advancing on first strike positions. Numerous groups are reporting they are under fire.'

    Tell them to take defensive positions until the Nalocycles get there. Then tell them to proceed with caution and stall the enemy until the Tarotanks can join the fight.

    'Relaying orders now.'


    Another explosive shell impacts Satocopter 112's shield. No less than half a dozen tanks had appeared down the street and were opening fire. The satocopter was trying to keep all their shots deflected that it had no room to open fire back at the tanks. Just then, it recieved the order to take defensive positions.

    The Metallic troops entered the buildings and took key positions in windows and other openings to snipe down at the troops that were advancing. Satocopter 112 was taking cover behind another building to present less of a target. However, the tanks were still firing widely and the cover didn't last very long before Satocopter 112 was crouching behind it's shield.


    The Nalocycles turned the corner sharply and saw Satocopter 112 up ahead. It was facing down another street, holding it's shield up and explosive shells were impacting on it's shield. The leader relayed order's to the other Nalocycles to attack the enemy immidiately and swiftly.

    They barreled around the corner toward the enemy troops and began firing energy weapons the moment a target was in their sight. The weapons left red burning marks on the tanks armor, showing some effect, but not enough to stop it just yet. However, all troops hit were immediately down.

    In a short gap of time, the Nalocycles closed the gap to the closest tank. The leader Nalocycle then quickly transformed, similar to how a satocopter transforms, into slightly less then a story humanoid form. It's wheels were each at the back of the legs, allowing it to glide it's momentum to the tank. Upon reaching it, it jumped on top and grabbed the muzzle of the tank's turret and yanked it to the side, causing the shot fired at that precise moment to proceed into a buildings wall.

    The Nalocycle then extended the energy cannon that it was firing earlier from it's right hand and started firing point blank at the tank. The shots went through the armor and the sounds of soldier yells were heard from inside. It then attached a magnetic disk onto the side of the tank and jumped off. Almost immediately, the tank exploded.

    Looking around, the leader noticed other Nalocycles were simularly engaged. Two of them were simultaneously attacking the next tank, while the other 5 were picking off the troops around. Bullets bounced off the Nalocycles armor as they grabbed the soldiers and bashed their heads open on the sides of buildings or crushing them on the ground. Those troops who were too far away, the cycles opened fire on them.

    An explostion from the side of one of the buildings caused rubble to start falling in the streets. The leader ordered the Nalocycles back and to use the recently piling rubble as cover. As the other cycles started back, one was hit from behind by a tank shell and exploded, parts flying everywhere. But the other Nalocycles were able to get behind the rubble safely.

    Just then the leader noticed that some of the recent soldiers had managed to get into the buildings and were starting to train RPG on the Nalocycles flanks. The leader quickly leaped up to the building, grabed the sides, and stuck it's right hand into the window and opened fire, killing all troops inside. The price to be paid for this heroic act was foregoing cover, and a tank shell hit it along it's side. The Nalocycle leader registered the hit and that it's parts were being ejected out by the force, before it's circuitry was disconnected and it was destroyed.

    The remaining Nalocycles stopped receiving orders from the current Nalocycle leader as it's remains crashed into the street. Immediately, another of the Nalocycles established that it was the new leader and the others immediately acknowledged it. There was no gap or time delay of leadership in this squad.


    'Nalocycles have reached their intented first strike positions and have engaged the enemy. Reports say that the enemy has regouped more effectively and the fight has intensified. It is estimated that a good number of Nalocycles have been destroyed and no less than 6 Satocopters have been either extensively damaged or disabled.'

    What about the Tarotanks?

    'All are en route, but some of them are almost in position.'

    Good. Once they all get into position, the enemy will be forced back.

    And it's cut off from here, left to your imagination on how powerful the entire army is. Until part 5. Stay tuned.
    Last edited by Silverraptor; 2009-10-14 at 01:07 PM.
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