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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Relationship Woes and Advice, Trip to Baator

    OK, so this situation is a bit interesting in that it's been building up for about 6.5 years now; I'll do my best to be brief.

    Obviously there's a girl - there always is - that this is about. I'll call her A. Now, I've known and been best friends with A since we were both 13ish, and we've had good times, bad times, all that jazz. I've been in love with her for at least 4 years now. Before last weekend, she had an idea about this, but no concrete evidence. (Mostly because we were young, I was scared, and neither of us wanted something long distance at the time)

    So then, last weekend: I got invited to spend the weekend with her and some other of her friends in the city, I gladly accept. (Note: before this weekend, we hadn't seen each other in about 2.5 years) We were getting ready for bed - A and I were downstairs, her other 2 friends were upstairs - and A decides to change right in front of me. I turn away as I was raised to, and she giggles and says that I'm always too honorable and nice. So I say to her, "What, I'm supposed to stare and gawk?" She smiles, kisses me on the corner of the mouth, and says "Maybe" before going to wash up.

    I sit, stunned, and decide to tell her how I feel when she comes down; so she does, and I do, and then I kiss her. She kisses me back, and we spend the next 3 hours or so being very lovey-dovey.

    Now for the reason I'm confused: other than one small comment she made upon waking up, we have not spoken about what happened. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, as I'd just drop by and have a chat with her whenever she's ready (though she is at least a little confused, but that's expected). However, she lives about 400 miles away and I can rarely obtain time off from my job. I guess I'm asking for some general advice as to what I should do, and what y'all think this might mean. I normally wouldn't ask...but I've got this bad habit of over thinking things and freaking myself out, so some outside perspective would be very helpful.

    Thanks in advance...
    Last edited by donthaveone83; 2009-10-16 at 09:23 PM.