Quote Originally Posted by DBJack View Post
Hinjo said something like 'let's let the magistrate sort this out and figure this all out later.' The magistrates would have probably chosen to let Shojo lead the defense of the city and have a trial later. And also, what was Shojo guilty of that he could be arrested for? Hiring adventurers to do secret dirty work in the name of the state? Pretending to be senile so he wouldn't be killed? It's not like letting him rule the city until the invasion is stopped would be more dangerous than letting someone with no experience in real leadership take control of half a million civillians.
Everyone except a few people thought Shojo was insane for most of the time. And then he was revealed to be a deceiver who ended up putting the city in a horrible situation, even without dying. Why would the magistrates choose him? I doubt he even has the kind of leadership that would help in that battle, considering that he was pretending to be insane the entire time.

By the way, he'd be arrested for faking the trial and corruption (Letting Belkar go, even if it's with an MoJ).