Esria- Autumn Incarnation

As she walked beneath the trees, Esria spun once, sending her brilliant dress dyed in the reds and golds of autumn about in the cool breeze. It was a nostalgic moment, and she smiled as she lay a hand affectionately on a tree.

Hearing Inaja's message, Esria nodded solemnly with a rueful smile.
To Inaja
"Thank you sister, I am sure that many Biekkan will come to your mountains in due time. Yet winter approaches soon, and the birds fly southwards, not north. It will be cold here soon. How I lament the death of the grass, and the fall of these leaves...yet this is the grace that comes to you, dear sister."

Her message sent, Esria came to the Mourra in kind. There were many now when before there were few. The trees were awakening slowly, and the Mourra tended to them. Yet they stopped their work as Esria came to them.
"Oh father oak and lady willow... Soon it will be too cold for even your skins to weather I'm afraid. Sleep is coming soon... Like it always does. Please rest well this time, and I will see you again when it is right for Spring." She said sadly. In their melodous and rumbling voices the Mourra responded in kind to her, and Esria departed down to the human village. The harvests were coming in now, and she would help them make bountiful stores for winter's coming.


1 Minor Act: Increase Population: Mourra
1 Minor Act: Increase Population: Humans of the Valley
2 Ceremonies Remaining