GLoG's Great Room

Magtok shakes his head

I was trying to make a point about being an evil villain with all of that. I'm only in the League right now and not being forcibly escorted out by a squad of guard drones because of a deal I made with a member to undermine a big evil demon guy, and because I like the cake around here. Once the demon's out of the picture, I'll probably do another act of good, find an excuse to turn on everyone here, and then go back to leading armies of Magbots and evil humpback whales into innocent cities and stuff.

Small Tunnel

Not one to be deterred by something as inconvenient small spaces, Magtok tucks away his umbrella, his legs, outer plating, arms, and anything else he can do without, and sets about creeping after the drone like some freaky little MagWorm, probably ruining those nice fresh robes in the process.