
"Besides, this will be the one time you DON'T need it.
Eternity said, looking at him with a bemused look. Leaf glared back for a second, and then grumbled as he jumped in after Foun (with Eternity hitching a free ride in his hair of course), and took the element of surprise after Foun launched his fire and ran up between two of the little freaks (to C3 and slashed to either side with his quick-drawn blades. When Leaf slowed down his charge, Eternity took the chance to make her own to spring from Leaf's head into the creature to his left (D3)


Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

Kokiri Sword: (1d20+6)[12] Damage: (1d8+2)[8]
Dagger: (1d20+6)[15] Damage: (1d4+2)[5]

Trident: [roll]1d20+6[roll] Damage: (1d3-1)[0]
Shield Bash: [roll]1d20+6[roll] Damage: 1