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Thread: Grasp Your Destiny

  1. - Top - End - #79
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Grasp Your Destiny

    I guess most people are in the trees then, besides Gihren and Miko? Well, Fu's on the ground but attacking into the trees...

    In that case, I'll have Gihren attack the spider he wounded, and if Miko doesn't finish off the uninjured third one that should still be on the ground (assuming I'm counting right) he'll also attack it. Which means... I think... either a single attack at 16, or a flurry at 14/13... right? So I'll roll 16 and 13 and if the second attack is needed you can knock off the last two die of the first attack to bring it down to a flurry.

    Jeez, this game is complicated.


    +10L, -1/-2 DV depending.

    "Hnh." Gihren makes a subvocal sound of dissatisfaction, eying the wounded spider with distaste - though it's directed at himself rather than at his target. He circles the retreating creature, carefully noting the movements of his allies in his peripheral vision, before striking. He clears the distance to the spider with one sideways leap, swinging his blade around unexpectedly from its flank, aiming to neatly sever its head from its noxious thorax before spinning him around to stab backwards into the other creature advancing on the spear-wielding exorcist.
    Last edited by kamikasei; 2009-10-30 at 10:42 AM.