Indeed, we should be on our way out. Let me take a quick look around first. With that, Jon proceeds to gather up his rope, including any scrap that might have been lying around. Then, he searches the room, giving special attention to the dead mayor, for anything easy to carry and conceal. Satisfying himself, he packs to head out, gaining his father's diary from Synithax with a sense of protection for the item, packing it in the middle of his pack, where it would be quite safe in a fight. He turns to the dwarf and elf, informing them that they'd be free to go after a few day's hike.

If no one objects, Jon is ready to head up the stairs, but will pause at the top, attempting to re-secure the door behind them, if no one is upstairs to interrupt(attempting to put the board back on, if possible).

Search - (1d20+7)[23]