I'm starting a big campaign at my FLGS later this month, and I have some time and a little cash to add a unit or two to my army. And, after an embarassing defeat vs guard last night, I realized I need to A) tweak my list, and B) learn how to play ranged Chaos properly. Alot of my experiences have been with Kroot Mercs, so I really dont know how to sit back and shoot.

Here's the 2K list I have right now

Chaos Sorceror (Mark of Tzeentch, Warptime, Bolt of Change, Meltabombs) 185 points
Daemon Prince (Mark of Tzeentch, Wings, Warptime, Doombolt) 185 points
Chaos Space Marines(x10, 2 meltas, Chaos Glory, Champ with Powerfist and Combimelta) 230 points
X2 Thousand Sons (8+sorceror, Doombolt, Rhino with, respectively, combi-plasma and Combi-melta) 299
Warpmarines (counts-as plaguemarines) (x8, 2 Plasma guns, Rhino with Daemonic Possession and Havok Launcher) 284 points
Chaos Land Raider (Dirge Caster, Havok Launcher) 240 points
Defiler 150 points
Obliterator cult (x2) 150 points

So, what's glaringly wrong?