Quote Originally Posted by Hyrael View Post
Nope, they were never updated. that means that all his spiffy anti-psychic power abilities dont do jack **** vs your sorcerous abilities. they can punch your invuln saves, that's about it.
They can also:

-Halve your WS in close combat. No save.
-Take leadership away from you. I think the max modifier is about -6, but that's getting expensive.
-Strike in initiative order with thunder hammers.
-Automatically shoot at you when you Deep Strike/are summoned/whatever.
-Deny entire areas of the battlefield to you, to the extent that they can autobreak units, push them off board edges or move out of assault only to charge in again.
-Reroll wounds against Daemons with certain units.

And that's (mostly) just the actual Inquisitors... when GK get onto the field, you have -1 Ld throughout your force, and the fact that you then have to deal with Grey freaking Knights. Nothing likes fighting those things... their ubered-up-heavy-bolters are actually usually a downgrade for their basic troops.