The foremost pair of the vanguard comes up before Yomiko, crossing a pair of jade glaives as if to block her way. The younger of the pair, a snarling man with black-tinged skin, rebukes not the Invincible Maiden, but Ejava. "Roseblack, I don't know what you want, but you'll not set foot in the Imperial Manse, cur. I'd as soon see you inc–" But he is cut off by the heavy hand of one of his comrades, a Dynast with deep strokes of age wrinkling his brow, belying the nigh-immortality of his exaltation. "Jakan, shut up." he whispers in the young Exalt's ear, taking care that all of you can hear him. The shamed guard lowers his blade and moves back, abashed despite his military bearing.

"The Vermillion Legion was sent to head off the demon king." he announces, to no one in particular. "If General Tepet is here, then it means she is triumphant. Now, if her allies would enter the Imperial Manse to try and stop more of the Yozi-spawn, it'd be a damn fool thing to stop them." He withdraws, heading to the doors of the manse, the black jade slab barred against all that it lies open, pried from its locks and wards by whatever force Mnemon brought to bear against it. A rod of jade props open the gateway, keeping it from slamming shut and locked–and with a heave of force, the Dynast levers open the doors, exposing the entrance of the manse, a high-arched hallway, walled with white jade. The Imperial Manse lies open.