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Thread: Arena Exhibition: Elson vs Ms. Isle

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    Troll in the Playground
    Koury's Avatar

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    Dec 2005
    Tacoma, WA

    Default Re: Arena Exhibition: Elson vs Ms. Isle

    You only get one attack aside from the readied action. Firing one arrow (for you) is a standard action, and you only get one per round. Unless you have Rapid Shot or some other form of making two attacks per round then I dont think you get both shots.

    Regardless, I'm not down yet.

    My HP: d6 WaM, +2 con, -1 quick trait

    I'm at either 0 hp or -2. I have Soulmeld Rageclaws, which lets me function normally until dead (-10).

    If you can't take the second shot, you can retake your turn from after the first shot, and we can say the 5 ft step didnt happen (since you can't move and 5 ft step). Or you can leave it as is. I'll take my turn when I know

    EDIT: Also, you almost critted me with both those shots.... Jerk
    Last edited by Koury; 2009-11-25 at 05:30 PM.
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