I'm going to go ahead and say that if we accept that Levistus is deluded, that the events of Remember are non-canon in FFF:R, that the events of the past of FFF:R may well be totally different than that of Remember/FFF, that the cosmology of FFF:R's universe may be entirely different as well even if Levistus exists, and that under normal circumstances The Empire Strikes Back was a superior movie to A New Hope, I may change my vote.

Well, perhaps not the last condition, but the first few.

As it stands, my vote remains the same.

Quote Originally Posted by The Q View Post
Lastly, I REALLY hate Shakespere, so that last reference in Kpenjerk's last comic makes me vote that THAT comic is non-canon instead.
Why do you have such hostility towards me, Q?

In fact, why do you have such hostility towards Lying and Chriky?