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Thread: Highest Possible Crit Range?

  1. - Top - End - #244
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Re: Highest Possible Crit Range?

    Dairun, it seems like you are sticking to your guns here.

    EDIT: Incorrect wording of the game. Please see page 249 for the correct version.

    So in my hypothetical game:
    Start: Go to Round 1
    Round 1: 25% chance of ending (1/4), otherwise go to Round 2
    Round 2: 12.5% chance of ending (1/8), otherwise go to Round 3
    Round 3: 6.25% chance of ending (1/16), otherwise go to Round 4
    ... and so on ad infinitum

    Am I correct in stating that your stance is that:
    There is always some chance of failure. Therefore, as the rounds grow towards infinity, it is inevitable that one round will result in failure and end the game. Therefore the chance of failure is 100% (eventually).
    Last edited by ocdscale; 2009-12-02 at 01:01 PM.