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Thread: Highest Possible Crit Range?

  1. - Top - End - #254
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Re: Highest Possible Crit Range?

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Glyphstone View Post
    isn't that called the gambler's fallacy?
    You might be thinking of two things.
    Gambler's fallacy is that things "even out" over time. When someone thinks: If a fair coin lands heads four times in a row, it's more likely to land on tail's this time.

    Gambler's ruin is a little more relevant, but does not apply because the proposed build is weighted towards successes instead of being 50/50.
    Or the other version of Gambler's ruin (one that incorporates preferential odds) is not applicable because your wager is not a fixed percentage of your bankroll. Your wager is fixed to 1 attack, while your bankroll (number of attacks) grows.
    *terminally sick has read a proof that has convinced him that even preferential weighting will not escape Gambler's ruin. I haven't seen the proof, but I disagree (although I trust judgment enough to worry about it).
    Last edited by ocdscale; 2009-12-01 at 08:11 PM.