Thanks to everyone who's willing to help me out with spells!

(Hey, what level do you guys think Aarindarius is? I have the SRD sorcerer/wizard spell list open, but I don't know where he'd be...)

Quote Originally Posted by Kaytara View Post
I wish I could say I'm sorry for making spend what was surely an extra half hour of typing it out, but I'm not nearly selfless enough for that. :D
No need to apologize! I'm usually actively waiting for someone to ask a question like that. I love going on verbose rants but I don't want to make anyone read something they didn't ask for.

Quote Originally Posted by Kaytara View Post
I also try to do that, the "referring to another character in a way consistent with the POV". V is mostly just "elf" or "Ears" to Belkar. I didn't realise it was an actual literary technique, though. It always seemed to me like something that was just part of writing someone's inner voice.
It is, and it is also a literary technique. It's about using words with connotations but technically mean the same thing (I mean, just look at Frankenstein and Their Eyes were Watching God! They are the king and queen of this). 'Lover' and 'partner' mean the same thing, but one implies something much more intimate than the other. It's about the nuance of language, implying things to a deeper extent than just how the character would talk. (I mean, you're able to figure out that
Victor Frankenstein is gay without any proof beyond the nuances of his behavior and language.

Quote Originally Posted by Kaytara View Post
Except that now I'm having rather strange thoughts about the TrekVerse version of elves and how someone should totally write a OotSxStarTrek crossover with a Vaarsuvius/Spock pairing.
Similar story on my end, though in addition to V/Spock, I've also been thinking up V/the Magus from Gargoyles. (They have a lot in common, those two...)

Maybe I'll make a short story or something with either pairing...