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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms campaign - Team 1, Adventure 1

    Day 14, 4pm:

    The guards at the Lu Bu's manor gates recognize Hu Kaiheng and his "subordinates," and has a messenger inform Lu Bu of your arrival.

    Lu Bu returns a short time later, and seems pleased with Hu Kaiheng that seemed to bring some competent folk.


    For those who haven't seen Lu Bu before:

    Lu Bu is a towering figure of a goliath clad in red full plate mail. He has an unimpressive white short spear strapped to his back, and a large shield adorned with the symbol of a black sun on his left arm.

    "Excellent. It looks like the four of you may have a chance. Come with me!"

    The mighty warrior leads you into his manor, and takes you through an open area to his sparring room, in the north side of his home.


    Lu Bu is the purple dot. You guys are #1 through #4 (Hu Kaiheng = 1, Tianlu = 2, Liang Xiu = 3, Fei Zhao = 4).

    Lu Bu boldly declares, "The test is a simple, but not easy. The four of you have 2 minutes to touch me or my armor with your fists or weapons. If any one of you manages to touch me, that counts as a success for your entire group. Touching my shield does not count. I have a variety of weapons in the armory that you may help yourself to, if you wish. Do not worry, I know that you are no match for me in proper combat, so I will only defend and not attack. Let me know when you are ready to begin."


    You have 20 rounds to hit Lu Bu's touch AC. Bull Rush attempts count only if you manage to win (otherwise Lu Bu smashes you back with his shield). Hitting with arrows also counts. Lu Bu has masterwork weapons in his armory that you can borrow. Hitting his armor with an arrow also counts as a win. You may discuss strategy for about 5 minutes before you begin.
    Last edited by ghostaxe; 2009-12-13 at 05:53 AM.