The year is 2029. The place is New Point City, Australia. You are the bonded. Today seems like just another day in the australian outback, almost unbearably hot and dry with one or two small clouds just about visible. It is near noon with the sun directly overhead and many people, mostly researchers, are busy about the city despite the heat.

The Rider
The canyon brings back memories of everything that has happened to you since the impact 50 years ago. You should of died that day but instead you lived a life that hadn't even crossed your mind before everything happened. As you sit reminiscing you hear a large explosion coming from the west. Coming from the city.

Today was as good as any day to start your investigations into the mistreatment of Promies and Spirims. From your viewpoint on top of a small group of office buildings you can see almost every point of the campus. Your vision shows you large groups of people milling about the research centre but nothing truely unusual. That is until an explosion blows a hole in the northern wall of the main labs.

This room was nothing like advertised or at least nothing like what you are used to. The bed was hardly what you would call soft and to top it off there was almost no room for Legion either. Certainly not luxury. After you hear a particularly loud booming sound coming from outside the window you can't help but notice a rather large hole in one side of one of the largest buildings of the research centre.

Another day in another school, at least in the last one you were the only person in your year with a Spirim, in this one at least 5 other children have them and they are all kept in a seperate enclosure from the rest of the school, far enough away that your powers are shut down. As your teachers drone on and on you attention begins to drift outside, towards the gleaming glass and steel towers of the Solancorp Protomorph and Spirit Monster Research Centre. Your attention also drifts towards the fact that there seem to be hundreds of people running and screaming around the buildings and you are almost certain that there is not normally smoke pouring out of the buildings either.