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Thread: Commoners! (IC)

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Jun 2009

    Default Re: Commoners! (IC)

    Vespasian stares at Ulfor in astonishment. The concept that someone would willingly commit themselves to this frigid hell seems an entirely foreign concept.

    "See, it's a good thing I didn't place a wager on my guess, or I'd be a poorer man for it. I'm afraid my story is significantly less patriotic than yours. You hit the mark with your assertion, the Vespasians are a Noble house of Gabinton, and at one point I was amongst their number. I had the bad fortune to be caught cuckolding an influential Viscount. He expressed his displeasure by instigating my unlanding and my conscription. You see before you a man of noble countenance and ignoble fate."

    He gestures to his pack. "If your a man of letters and would like the full account, I've begun a poignant autobiography. Although I ran out of ink before finishing. Not that more would help, in this weather it's likely to freeze in the well."
    Last edited by Thatguyoverther; 2009-12-14 at 04:12 PM.
    Pwn 4 teh pwn god! N00bs 4 teh n00b thr1!