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Thread: Spirit Monsters Fighting Team Go! IC

  1. - Top - End - #12
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    London, UK.

    Default Re: Spirit Monsters Fighting Team Go! IC

    You can't see anyone notable from your hotel room. Legion reaches the ground and continues to ooze over to the centre.

    You come across a fire exit that seems untouched by the hordes of people rushing out of every other exit.
    You also see no change in the behaviour of the occupants of the fourth floor.

    Travelling at break-neck speed you soon reach the centre, a large amount of smoke is pouring out of the building whilst researchers and visitors from the centre part to allow you access. A few of them point at you and whisper to others.

    "Don't you think for even a second that I'm going to let you...." The womans ranting is suddenly stopped by the phone on her desk ringing. "...I see....Right here.....surely I shouldn't.....very well, though I assure you I will not be held responsible for any damage to schoool buildings." She looks directly at you, narrowing her eyes "I'm letting you off this once, take your beast and check on your family. That. Is. All." She takes the card off of the desk and swipes it against a concealed scanner on the wall. After a couple of seconds a section of the walls swings outwards to reveal Yoshi standing in a smaller fenced off section.
    Last edited by Malfunctioned; 2009-12-15 at 08:37 AM.