Quote Originally Posted by Fhaolan View Post
Once I figured out the exact stance and how to strap the sword right, I can comfortably hold that position for an hour or more, and be able to draw the sword. Sheathing it while holding the position... I haven't mastered that yet. And the best I have for that period is a standard buff coat, I wouldn't be able to do it in the really heavy padded doublets others use. Of course, I'm usually being whacked in the head by pike of the idiot standing behind me but what the hey, that's the price of being part of a pike band.
lol! I can totally relate. I've heard that pike commanders wanted to make sure that at least the front ranks had helmets -- because the men in the rear ranks had a tendency to drop their pikes on their heads! I wish we could get more people to events, the most we've ever had was eight pikemen and a drummer. The drill goes so much smoother with a drum. :-)