Pax grins. "No worries, sir. Everything'll be taken care of in due time." With a last gulp of lemonade, Pax climbs upstairs and retires to his room... but not before clapping his companions on the shoulders, leaning in with a whisper.

"Alright, mates, now let's be careful, hmm? Too many times, I've been jumped in an unfamiliar inn by people who don't know what you're capable of... or, worse, people who do. The way I figure, if someone else came first, and they got offed in their sleep here, then we'd have heard about it beforehand, but that doesn't mean we should be lazy, yes? I... really enjoy my privacy, but we should try to bunk up when we can afford it. I say, two to a room. And no funny business, of course." The scruff along his face and neck almost made the following grin a little more comical than usual, but the hoarse chuckle that accompanied it almost made it seem... off-putting.