Okay, CoffeeIncluded, take a long, deep breath, and bear with my coffeetable Doctor Phil-ing.

Now, I take it that your biggest worry is your GPA, right? Now, if I've got everything right, you're not in your senior high-school year yet. This means that things are definetily salvagable. Now, I don't know what the damage is. I'm assuming that you didn't complete F-ail it, so you've probably received a C or D in this exam. Okay, it might seem like a big problem right now, but you can work it back up. Please don't cry about this and work yourself up to a frenzy. You can always compensate in academic stuff. If your AP teacher talks about dropping the subject based on ONE exam, try to reason with them. This is not the end of the world, trust me.

If you want to talk to someone about this, please don't hesitate to PM me.