Quote Originally Posted by Zanaril View Post
We heard you the first time.

Being a half-elf half-dragon is obviously best.

Like some of those eggs the ABD laid, since we all know who else she gets the most screen-time with.
Hmmm... VxClosakxABD...

For CoffeeIncluded
CI, it's good to hear you feel better. I've been down that path myself, and it led me to bad places. But if you actually have suicidal thoughts, then whatever you are doing isn't helping. Go to a psychiatrist. Please. There's help to be found. (I'd recommend physical exercise as well, but you're on the school swimming team so I assume you get that...) And if you have any questions about physics, or chemistry, or biology, PM me. Even if I don't know the answers, I know who to ask. And you are not intruding - I love teaching, especially with bright students (and you are bright). I'm your friend, let me help.

Funny thing is, Closak, I almost went with dragons' tails instead of dwarven beards. I suppose twisted minds think alike...