Lizardkin Druid

sSomething'ss wrong", he says after pacing uncomfortably for an hour.

"No more sscouts", he mutters to Lumpy

Examining the surroundings and tha tracks again
(knowlegde:nature = 20), returning to Lumpy he shakes his head.

"The hunters must move.". Trniark translates for him.

He advocates quickly that with nightfall, the hydra probably had the advantage when it came to vision being repitilian. Moving forward with caution was the best option. A hydra may not be the only thing in the forest.

He starts moving with whomever joins him. He casts Detect magic periodically and sweeps it as a cone before him.

He alsos checks for tracks and other signs by the side of the path and will be at the front unless Hjih or Lumpy track.