Yomiko smiled brightly as the hellish desert that blotted out the flesh of Creation healed over once again. She smiled, though her heart was still heavy for the companion that dwelt beyond the sand. She could only express her awe through her smile, for Ivory's display of talent for sorcery left her speechless. It was best for Zephyr to speak his words of pride and joy for his Solar mate.
Once the spell is complete, she turns to all guests present before them. "Allies and well-wishers. I cannot thank you all enough for being here, here at where the Chosen of the Sun and Moon take wrap their golden hands around Hell itself to plunge it back into it's vitriolic netherworld, to suffer as the borders of the wretched city, no longer to bring it's blight to Creation where it was punished to keep from for all of time." Her smile is ever-present as she speaks.
"So speak unto those who might still be ill-wishers of the Celestial Exalted, tell them of the greatness of Ivory Eyes. Of her love and guardianship of Creation. Let them know that we should be seen through the same eyes as Sol Invictus, eyes of perfection. Though I speak wishing for your love and admiration, know I speak without selfishness, for what we do is all for you and we expect no reward."
When her speech is complete, she sees Ivory take flight off the side of the warship. "Be well." She bows and she erupts with golden essence, the flaming wings on her back erupting outward and she too takes flight, on somewhat more flamboyant wings.