Elthan watches as Lady Ulrich turns away from her silver bowl and moves to another workbench. She begins assembling a number of ingredients from various jars and beakers.

She lights a small burner and soon a flask of purplish fluid is being boiled over high heat.

"I imagine that your friends will be in need of some healing when they return."

Elthan sees that Lady Ulrich is preparing more of the healing draughts that were provided last night at the midnight meal.

The entire process takes several hours, and by the time the potion has cooled and been decanted into a dozen small vials, it is almost sunset.

Together, Elthan and Lady Ulrich descend the stairs as the cheering of orcs filters up from the courtyard ...

End of Lake of Tears I. To be continued in The Necromancer's Pact VII: Lake of Tears II ...